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Customer Testimonials

I wanted to let you know what a fine young man Jamie is. His attention to every little detail was impressive and his courteous and professional manner to be very proud of. Thank you for sending him to my home.

Linda, Sunset Hills

Ray & Family,
Thanks again for a great job. My wife and I appreciate the good work.

Thank you,
Mark, Overland

Mr. Hinklin & Family,
I want to say thank you for the excellent work all of you did on the resurfacing in September. From the lady who answered the phone the first time I called - to all of your workers - it was a pleasure to have you in our home.

Ralph & Joann, St. Charles

Just a note to let you know how very pleased we are with our sidewalk and porch. The workmanship was excellent! It was a pleasure working with all in your company.

Good luck to you,
Eveleyn and Ken

Ray and Buddy,
Thanks for doing such a beautiful job! We love both our front and back!

Sherie and Phillip,

Thank you for your excellent service! It is a pleasure doing business with you.

Kind regards,

The sidewalk to my home looks brand new! Thanks for all your hard work.


Nice work by your entire crew. Pool renovation looks excellent!

Best regards,

Dear Ray and Buddy,
Janet and I want to express special appreciation for the beautiful job that your company did on our back porch, front porch, and sidewalk. It was done with obvious care and attention to detail. From start to finish, your crew also preserved the plantings and maintained the beauty of our home.

I also wanted to thank you for calling ahead of time to let us know when your crew would be arriving. It helped us to plan.

We would be happy to serve as references for you should anybody wish to discuss our degree of satisfaction.

Janet and Art, Ballwin

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